The 2020 Election Guide:
The Unprecedented & Crucial Decision Between
Donald Trump and Joe BidenVote with the Facts 2020 Election Guide for Researchers, Voters, Families and Friends
It's important to look at Trump's actions and the results of his administration.
- 212,000 deaths from Covid, potentially 100,000 from Coronavirus mismanagement, 7.58 Million Cases (10/08/2020).
- Trump was told how deadly the virus was as early in January. He admits to downplaying the danger of the virus while knowing how deadly it is [ref. Bob Woodward in the book Rage during recorded sessions].
- Muzzling of Fauci and doctoring the CDC website, preventing Fauci from giving more accurate information to the American people about the Coronavirus.
- Disbanding the Pandemic Taskforce created by the Obama Administration and claiming Obama did nothing to prepare.
- Setting a bad example by refusing to wear a mask and flouting the use of masks even though the mask is the single best way to stop transmission of the virus during many months of the pandemic.
- Holding mass rallies violating state guidelines in a climate of flouting of mask-wearing.
- White House Admin Belief in herd immunity without spelling out the catastrophic outcome of 2.5-3 million dead, an enormous loss of life.
- The Trump administration tried and is currently attempting to strike down Obamacare (ACA) during Covid.
- Trump’s administration is currently in court trying to remove pre-existing conditions covered by ACA.
- Actively trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act during his term in office so far and druing a Pandemic
- Defunding the World Health Organization during a Pandemic
- Rod Rosenstein dropped the counterintelligence investigation into whether Trump was a Russian Asset by getting both the FBI and Muller to each think that they were each covering this aspect of the investigation. He has never been investigated for this despite countless Russian connected communications and trying to build a hotel in Russia during the campaign and while he has been in office. (Threat to National Security when a President is compromised).
- Trump has conducted 16 calls or private meetings with Putin. The private meetings had no oversight of Trump and translators’ notes were destroyed.
- Lied by claiming he had no financial ties to Russia during the campaign in 2016 and since in office while he was negotiating a hotel in Russia according to Strzok and Michael Cohen. This is in violation of the emoluments clause which means it is violation of law for a sitting President or US candidate because they are considered compromised.
- Refusing to turn over his taxes (importance to determine if he is compromised as a leader)
- 14 Trump aides, donors and advisers have been indicted or imprisoned.
- Seven of Trump Advisors have been criminally charged.
- General Flynn, our National Security Director, eventually pleaded guilty twice orally and in writing. The FBI knew he was lying about contact with the Russian Ambassador. He had to know these calls would be monitored and yet he lied about what he said on these calls to FBI Agent Peter Strzok. Trump had told him to kill the story by Ignatius in the Washington Post.
- Trump openly asked Russia “If you are listening” in an open request to get Russia to find Hillary Clinton emails. It is illegal to ask or accept campaign contributions from a foreign government.
- Trump tried to get the last two Ukrainian Presidents to build a case on the Bidens.
- Trump has asked China to help him win the 2020 election in violation of law. It is a violation of US law to ask for this campaign contributions
- Trump has offered favors to dictators according to Bolton.
- The Trump Campaign had 272 coordinations with Russian linked operatives. It was coordination whether met whatever the definition of what collusion was.
- Manafort met with a high level Russian asset passing voting data between them.
- Trump called Stone to coordinate on Wikileaks, reported by Gates reported in the Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Report and Mueller Reports.
- Trump has Revealed Secrets to the Russians about assets early on when the Russians were in the oval office. This likelihood is by analysis of the Intelligence Community is that these people have died or their lives are seriously at risk and can no longer be used as assets.
- Trump routinely believes Putin over US Intelligence in terms of interference in the elections.
- Trump has not spoken up about the Russian bounties on American Troops and not speaking up about it, pushing back on Putin.
- Trump’s administration abandoned our Allies the Kurds allowing Putin more power in the region, destroying our relationship with a valuable ally.
- Unilaterally without seemingly consulting the US military-- removing from Germany a move which would please Putin improving Putin's positions in the region.
- Mueller outlined at least ten main accounts of Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report.
- Never speaking against Putin even when Putin has acted against our troops
- Trump Fired 5 Inspector Generals while they were working on Whistleblower information
- Under Trump’s Administration, Barr already stated there would be no investigations into foreign election help, further eroding our country’s sovereignty.
- Trump's intention is to pull out of NATO, another goal of Putin’s.
- Trump has commuted sentences of Roger Stone convicted of 7 felonies with regard to the Russia Wikileaks releases.
Trump commuted Roger Stone’s sentence.
- Trump has refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, a coup on this election
- Trying to discredit mail in ballots although this method has been used for voting for hundreds of years and he himself uses mail in ballots in FL where he is technically in violation of the law voting there because Mar-A-Lago is not a legal residence for him under Florida zoning laws.
- Trump is presently presenting a plot to steal the election by stopping the use of ballots in battleground states where Republicans hold the majority in the state, asking them to set aside the ballots and appointing loyal electors in those states effectively discounting the votes and will of people in those states.
- Plans to send Trump-friendly volunteers to intimidate voters to battleground states.
- Plans already to count on the US Supreme Court to decide the election
- What is deferring or not Paying Payroll Tax? While it makes it look like there’s a tax cut, it's a sideways attempt to defund Social Security and Medicare in what would be an administrative nightmare for businesses. Deferring payments in a No-Win offer for businesses regarding their collecting their employee's payroll taxes in an attempt at blowing a 100 BILLION dollar hole in Social Security and moving up the date of the program's insolvency. Other attacks on Social Security come from Mitt Romney unfortunately to gut social security.
- Attorney General Barr acting as Trump’s attorney in future rape case.
- Attorney General Barr misled US Citizens misrepresenting the Mueller Report.
- USPS illegally removed 13% of US postal equipment without approval by USPS governors in what appears to be a blatant attempt to slow down the mail for the upcoming election.
- Use of Federal band of unlabeled troops on US Citizens.
- Insisting on Federal troops on States without invitations by Governors.
- Changes Daily Eroding our Constitution, Refusing to Follow the Constitution. Subpoenas, and other policies including the Emoluments clause, hatch act.
- Durham report appears to be an attempt to discredit the original investigations into the realistic threat of the 272 meetings the Trump Campaign had coordinating with the Russians during the 2016 campaign
- Previous suggested use of Heat Gun on citizens in Lafayette Park and for Homeland Security on Immigrants
- Trying to move military funds to pay for border wall
- Politicized Pardons favoring friends of Trump including Roger Stone and others.
- Trump Dismissed, Fired, Resigned Staff. High Turnover. Firing Comey, McCabe, when they were not pledging loyalty to him.
- Moving Lt Colonel Vindman and others out of their positions, and others for political reasons when they have done nothing wrong.
- Loss of a safe working environment, deterioration of the Executive Branch in the FBI, in Diplomacy, Homeland Security, Intelligence in terms of valuable personell specializing in fields for decades.
- Bullying and threatening staff and trying to intimidate and reveal whistleblowers.
2000 Former DOJ Employees Call On Barr To Resign After Intervening In Stone Case
- 1020 former federal prosecutors President Donald Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation if he did not hold the nation's highest office.
- Thinks he can not have a plan and just wing things (diplomacy), resulting in no agreements with leaders with foreign powers (Korea, etc)
- Thinks he can just unilaterally pull out of long held agreements or relationships, Germany, Kurds.
- Illegally trying to defund democratic cities or not provide emergency services.
- Invading cities with unmarked Federal Forces, capturing citizens.
- Barr stated the intent to arrest Mayor of Seattle
- Barr recommending charge of sedition (for overthrow of government) for peaceful protesters
- Tear Gas used on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park for Trump Photo Op
- Racism, white supremecist speech, not uniting the country
- Hasn’t mentioned the names of black deceased killed by police
- Babies in cages
- Separating families with no database to rematch them
- Tiny section of border wall built
- Trying to move funding from military for border wall which congress has to approve
- Trump committed a felony when he encouraged North Carolina’s to commit a Felony to ask others to commit voter fraud by voting twice.
- Trump has committed multiple felonies according to over 426 prosecutors.
- Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, refusing to acknowledge climate change as a crisis.
- Use of the White House Grounds & US properties and staff for the RNC campaign convention and violating the Hatch Act and emoluments clauses.
- Asking a US foreign diplomat to request an event be moved to Trump’s golf course in Scotland in violation of the emoluments clause.
- Trump excessive trips at his golf course in violation of the emoluments clause according to Maryland AG.
- Trump wanted G7 Summit at his Miami golf course which would violate the emoluments clause.
- Pence flew to Trump Hotel miles outside his destination in Ireland in violation of the emoluments clause.
- Trump lies are estimated around 20,000 by sources
- Trump confessed to sexually assaulting women on an unmistakable recording on an Access Hollywood tape. Recently, he stated that he would not have raped a specific woman because she is not his type, (not because he doesn’t rape women). There are hush money payments to Stormy Daniels which Michael Cohen went to prison for and the unindicted co-conspirator Individual 1 is Trump. President Trump has said about his current wife, that he can get another one. In divorce papers with one of his previous wives, Ivana claimed that he raped her and since has recanted. Trump admitted on tape when he was the producer of Miss Teen USA to deliberately walking into underaged teen age girls' dressing rooms when they were getting dressed.
- Trump has used derogatory and objectionable language about blacks, women and people who have injuries from war or who are otherwise physically challenged, our military calling captured soldiers losers and injured ones, suckers. Calls covid the China Virus.
- Trump regularly bullies others as a tactic to remove opposers’ credibility and prevent dissent.
- Retaliates against those who don’t agree with him.
- Trump regularly claims not to know something from a daily brief which he would have been provided by the top intelligence in the world, that is US Intelligence.
- Trump thinks he knows better than science.
- He does not need a plan for covid and doesn’t have a cogent one believing in herd immunity.
- speaks at fourth grade level
- thinks he can just change the direction of a storm on a map during a national emergency with a magic marker
- Generals Kelly and Maddox have discussed Trump’s inadequate mental capacity.
- Trump has not understood the wars the US fought with the Allies, what happened in Hawaii, why the US has a policy of searching for wounded or missing soldiers that are captured, and calls captured soldiers losers and injured ones, suckers.
- not wearing masks at rallies.
- having rallies in closed spaces without masks.
- bullying, intimidation, retaliation.
- racism, discussion of how others look, Trump has used derogatory and objectionable language about blacks, women and people who have injuries from war or who are otherwise physically challenged, our military calling captured soldiers losers and injured ones, suckers. Calls covid the China Virus.
- Our allies know if he is present, they need to provide brief sound/media bites for him because he has little ability to sit still, focus and follow what is going on.
- At least 500 Former National Security Employees think Trump is National Security Threat and back Biden
- 22 Four Star Generals join more than 200 retired generals and admirals endorse Joe Biden, including some who served under Trump
- The Lincoln Project and Hundreds Of Former Bush Officials Unite To Endorse Joe Biden
- All Former Presidents are endorsing Joe Biden
In conclusion, Trump is massively unfit for office. He is a danger to the American People with a loss of 212,000 lives and climbing, a danger to the US Constitution, the Country and our Allies. Finally, Trump is a danger to our National Security, a danger to the will of the People of the United States in the 2020 Election, and a danger to the World.
- First you are my cousin, friend, family member, associate. I care about our country and I care about you. You sent this media clip from Trump’s Campaign.
How do you feel about the actions of the White House?
The White House is trying to stop people who have pre-existing conditions from having health care. This is in the courts right now.
The White House Administration has been trying to stop the affordable care act during Trump’s entire time in office and defunded the WHO during a Pandemic.
Trump’s called veterans losers and suckers? How do you feel about that?
Trump doesn’t speak in a way to bring our country together over race issues.
This administration just made this sideways attempt to destroy Social Security and Medicare.
How do you feel about these, not his words, but his actions?
The US Face to Face Voter Project was founded around May 2003 for the 2004 Election. A group of dedicated citizens worked around the clock with only the wish to protect our country by supporting them with the facts and protect other countries in the world from our failed diplomacy. The original idea was for citizens to educate citizens.Since US policies affect the world and the lives and deaths of so many, there may not be a more urgent matter than citizens to be informed nationwide to counter the "spin", register voters, and support them all the way to the polls.
This 2020 election year we are providing this concise summary due to the deep concern we have as citizens to protect our democracy.
© 2020 Permission granted to share & circulate
everywhere with credit.