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Vote with The Facts!

Outreach Ideas and Guide

2020 Voter Election Guide for pdf download or to print

What might I do as an individual?

Here are at least three main ways to share: One-to-one meetings, contact organizations which are interested in voter education about the materials,visit swing states if it is possible with time constraints and travel restrictions. You may come up with other creative ways to share this material and we hope you do.

I want to start a conversation with friends who are Trump supporters. I'm stuck trying to figure this out. What might I say to someone to share my concern?

First, notice that most Trump supporters don't recognize the difference between his rhetoric or speech and his actions.

Here's how you might setup a meeting for the conversation. I'm really concerned about what's going on in this country and I would like to talk to you about it. When would be good to meet for 15 minutes?

Here's how you might try starting this conversation. First you are my cousin, friend, family member, associate. I care about our country and I care about you. You sent this media clip from Trump’s Campaign. How do you feel about the actions of the White House though? The White House is trying to stop people who have pre-existing conditions from having health care. This is in the courts right now. The White House Administration has been trying to stop the affordable care act during Trump’s entire time in office and defunded the WHO during a Pandemic. He’s talked the way he has about veterans, doesn’t speak in a way to bring our country together over race issues, and his administration just made this sideways attempt to destroy Social Security and Medicare. How do you feel about these, not his words, but his actions? This material can be accessed and printed from the website at

2020 Voter Guide for pdf download or to print

I want to do more.

Starting with people you know well in your immediate circle and using the outline of the one-on-one meeting process below or what you are comfortable with, talk to your inner circle of family and friends and work your way out to people who may require more attention and then to further and further reaches of your social circle. As a target, ask yourself how many people you would be willing to talk to see a change in the administration of our country which affects the entire world. It’s alright to talk to people who already are on the same page politically. What you may want to do is get a party going for a number of people at once and encourage them to continue sharing the data with their friends, families and contacts locally and nationwide.

What else is recommended in a one-to-one meeting or phone call?

Tell them that you are concerned about what’s going on, that you want to talk to them, and set up a meeting time. When you meet ask their concerns, explain that you are interested in citizens knowing as much as possible before November, that you love your country, and you want to make a difference.

Here is a sample meeting process outline:

v     Invitation: Setting the meeting time to talk to a friend, family member or citizen

v     Listening:  Asking about what a citizen cares about, their concerns and vision

v     Questions:  Take up topics that matter to them, such as healthcare and preexisting conditions and explain what is really happening. In this case Trump is currently in the courts (as of September 2020 and earlier) to remove coverage for pre-existing conditions. The White House has tried during most his term to end the Affordable Care Act which would remove 30 Million or more from having healthcare.

v     Registration: Voter registration.

v     Teamwork:  Invitation to join your team or another voter registration project and continue the process.

v     Crucial Call backs before election in November: reminders including offering assistance getting voters to the polls.

Let them know you don’t expect them to know the answers to these questions, but you want to ask anyway to see if they are getting the truth from their media source. Then ask some questions in their areas of concern. Ask if they want to know more.

Ask them if they’re registered to vote, and if not register them or find a way to register them. Ask them if they will vote in November and if they are interested in other talking to other citizens to save their country. Ask them to join you in voter education or on any other voter registrations project as a patriot. It’s okay, of course, if they don’t join; you never know how they may help in their own way. Let them know you will be calling them back before the elections to remind them to vote. Keep a list of your callbacks for this purpose.

What about the topic areas?

The topics are not exhausted. We know there are other facts, however, this was our selected synopsis or summary.

What about how people feel when they hear this information if they have not seen it on their media?

Listen to them; empathize with what they are feeling. Explain to them how there is a difference in rhetoric or someone's speach and their actions. Take an incident such as the fact that the Trump administration is actually trying to remove pre-existing conditions and ask them gently if their new source reported it or not. Their choice of news source may not being reporting actual events which are occurring. They could cross check just a few events such as the fact that the Trump administration is actually trying to remove pre-existing conditions which is in the courts presently as of earlier this year and now still as of September 2020. The extended consequence of finding this out, that their news source may not be accurately reporting events, might mean that they may wish to look at other sources.

How Might Parties Be Useful?

Parties are for people who you want to train to share this information. They are great because you reach more people at once. Invite all your friends and family and their guests to a party. Usually, you’ll want to select people of similar familiarity with the news for these events. The latest versions of the 2020 Election Guide is available here for your use. If they are interested, invite friends and family to join your team and continue the process, including getting voters to the polls.

2020 Election Guide for pdf download or to print

What’s the attitude in this project?

Listen first as much as possible to the concerns of citizens. We are not intending this process to be one of convincing, but one of providing an opportunity for citizens to speak and be heard for their concerns and vision and offer data to them in the form of questions. This is actually fun to do. We have no enemies and need not argue, but listen and discuss. Okay, yes, we may sometimes end up feeling like arguing. Eat before you meet people, don't be in a hurry. Be caring. Remember, dispelling mis-truths is holy work. Hate does not remove hate, but love alone can do this.

What materials will help me?

Here is the 2020 Election Guide for pdf download or to print. Other materials are also here for your use such as this guide you are reading.  The most important resource is the commitment of citizens like you.

What about talking to my coworkers?

We recommend that you are careful and not propagate this at work unless you are absolutely sure there will be no issue. Certainly, we don’t recommend sharing it during working time.

How many people did you say you wanted me to talk to?

How many do you feel like reaching out to? Do what you can which feels wise to you without overdoing it. If you knew you could affect the outcome of this election if you talked 10, 20, or 30 people, would you do it? How many do you feel you might be able to talk to you?

What’s this about calling people back in November to get them to the polls?

Yes, this is crucial. If you are able to, please call every person whom you spoke with and you have time to call and remind them to send in their ballot to vote or get to the polls. It's good to do this a week before or as soon as voting is possible in your state. Offer help in finding the location of the polls or find help for a ride to the polls if you are able if they have not mailed their ballot.

What else can I do to support the people with whom I’ve talked?

Along with reminding people to register to vote, to send in their absentee ballots in the mail early or make a plan get to the polls, if you have the bandwidth, offer help in indentifying the polling location or a ride to the polls if relevant if you have the energy. if there's space in your calendar, create weekly or monthly voter team meetings for supporting each other.

What else can I do?

Join a Voter Registration or Phone Bank project.
If time permits, talk to organizations which are interested in educating voters and welcome them to use the Vote with the Facts materials.
If time permits and there are not travel restrictions, visit swing states.

May the merits of this project protect all beings.