The 2024 Election Guide:
A Brief and Concise Analysis
of the decision between
Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump
This site was updated August 29, 2024. While we are far from elegant, we are are succinct.5>
Donald Trump:
00. Donald Trump said he would terminate the Constitution which is the basis of our form of government. Trump promoted the "Big Lie" claiming that the 2020 election was stolen. Throughout 59 lawsuits there was no evidence of voter fraud. Trump incited a violent mob on our nation's capital on January 6, 2021 in which 9 people evidentually died. During the 187 minutes of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, when some in the crowd were chanting “hang Mike Pence”, Trump failed to call off the violent attack on our nation's capital threatening the safety of our members of Congress, Vice President Mike Pence, and the certification of the 2020 election. Many of Trump's staff have been convicted and are in prison. Many of the rest of his staff warn us of the danger of another Trump term which they believe will be worse than his first term. Trump says he will pardon the January 6 rioters. He has spewed division and hate across this country in his rallies and during media events. Trump made sure the most comprehensive border bill was stopped because he was afraid that the Democrats would get credit. Trump failed Covid when Americans were dying at the rate of 3,000 per day. Trump separated children in cages from their parents who were seeking asylum and even lost track of who they belonged to. Trump's cabinet was primarily white and was dominated by men. Violent crime went up during Trump's administration.
0. TRUMP FALSE CLAIMS. Donald Trump promoted the "Big Lie" claiming that the 2020 election was stolen. Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years during his presidency. In a talk he gave in August 8, 2024 at Mar a Lago, he made 164 false claims in 64 minutes which is nearly three false claims per minute. This is gaslighting on a national level and harms those who would believe him and the rest of us for dealing with this menace and onslaught to our consciousness during his involvement in the media these last nine years. Trump and the GOP are trying to rewrite their history in regards to what happened during Trump's term in office.
1. HE IS A FELON. Donald Trump has been impeached twice in the House and indicted 91 times and so far found guilty on 34 felony charges regarding hush money to a porn star in order to cover up before the 2016 election which was election interference. He will be sentenced on September 18, 2024. He was also found guilty in NY of fraud and ordered to pay nearly half a billion dollars in penalties. He was found guilty of sexual assault and ordered pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in defamation damages. Eleven of Trump's associates have been charged with crimes, ten are in prison, in 30 years of sentences.
2. ABORTION. Donald Trump's supreme court stopped Abortion Rights at the federal level overthrowing Roe v. Wade which was the law since 1972, leaving it up to each state to determine women's right to choose. As it stands 14 states completely ban abortion, 8 states have severe restrictions on abortion, 28 states allow abortions. The Republican Party's Position on Abortion: It is unclear if the Republican National Committee's (RNC) Platform ban on abortions includes any exceptions when the health of the mother is at stake. In many of the anti-abortion states, abortion is not allowed even for victims of rape and incest and even the life of the mother. These laws harm women in many states.
3. Rights to IVF and mifepriston are at stake. These candidates appear to want a national abortion ban. This was vocalized by JD Vance. Trump has said that states can decide if they want to prosecute women for abortions. Trump has said he was glad he overturned Roe v. Wade, the national right to abortion for decades. He put three extreme justices on the Supreme Court who overturned Roe, the right for women to choose which was established in 1973, after these justices committed in Senate hearings to respect precedence, ie, not to overturn previous laws.
4. INSURRECTION. Donald Trump led an insurrection on our nation's capital January 6, 2021 in DC in which 9 people eventually died and 140 law enforcement officers were injured. This was to stop the peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden so that Donald Trump would remain in power. He tried to get his Vice President Mike Pence to stop the ceritification of the votes. His followers were encouraged by his statements to find and "Hang Mike Pence" and a gallows was setup. More than 1200 rioters have been charged. He wants to pardon the rioters on the nation's capital if he is reelected.Trump's involvement in this case is going to resume in September 2024 in DC. Additionally, Fake Electors in individual states also attempted to stop the certification of votes in specific states. These people are also being charged in these states as the fake electors cases. In Michigan 16 people are charged, in Arizon 10 people, in GA 16 people were involved, 6 are charged, 8 were granted immunity, in Wisconsin 10 people were charged, in New Mexico, 5 people are being looked into on the charges, in Nevada 6 people are being looked into on these charges, in Pennsylvania, 20 people were involved.
5. DOCUMENTS CASE: Donald Trump took classified documents to Mar A Lago and refused to surrender them for months believing they were his. They belong to the US Government.
6. GEORGIA CASE: Donald Trump called Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger demanding that he “find” him 11,780 votes–one more than was needed to flip Georgia’s electoral votes–and then threatening the state’s top official with criminal prosecution if he refused.
7. SAID HE WOULD BE A DICTATOR ON DAY ONE which is a danger to our democracy. Trump has said he would use the DOJ to go after his political opponents. He has called for a tribunal for Liz Cheney recently on Truth Social as of August 2024.
8. SAID HE WOULD TERMINATE OUR CONSTITUTION which would destroy our democracy.
9. PROJECT 2025 POLICIES. Project 2025 would make Donald Trump, if elected, the most powerful president ever elected. Donald Trump used to not have written policies. Now Project 2025, which has been written by the Heritage Foundation by 140 of former Trump Staff is written down in a 900 page document. It is scary and a danger to people's rights on so many levels, to women, people of color to so many people. We've made a reasonable effort to list important elements of the 900 page Project 2025. We haved done the best to include a brief summary and hope we didn't miss a major item.
Project 2025 authors are setting up executive orders to be implement on day one if Trump is elected.
Referenced from the Washington Post, the Slate, the BBC's summary of Project 2025 and from Democracy Forward, Project 2025 calls for:
Overhauling the Department of Justice
Giving Trump the unchecked power to seek vengeance.
Defunding K-12 schools.
Monitoring women's pregnancies nationwide.
Cuts to Medicare and Social Security
Cut overtime protections for 4.3 million workers
Removal of non-loyalist government workers with expertise in their areas and install Trump loyalists.
The Dobbs decision is just the beginning...we must replace 'woke' nonsense..with a healthy vision... starting with the American family. p. 451 Families comprised of a married mother and father and their children are the foundation... of a healthy society.
Efforts at promoting diversity should be repealed and replaced with efforts to promote the formation of stable married families. [Traditional families no longer make up the majority of families according to Pew Research.]
Project 2025 wants businesses to discriminate over same sex marriages. Federal grants should be for faith based organizations who refuse to recognize same sex marriages. [This would violate the Respect of Marriage Act which bans descrimination against same sex couples.]
Project 2025 claims that outcomes for children who are raised by same sex marriages claiming these children are not as healthy as those raised by traditional families.
Federally funded family planning clinics would be required to promote traditional marriages and families without a husband as the most dangerous for a child to be in.
Project 2025 seeks for the Health and Human Services to put an end to 'woke' transgender activism criminalizing transgender identity as pornography.
Promotes using the tax code to promote traditional families denying equal benefits to same sex couples. [This would violate the Respect of Marriage Act which bans descrimination against same sex couples.]
The people who produce and distribute LGBTQ books should be imprisoned. Educators and librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders and tech companies which facilitate it's spread should be shuttered.
Gender reassignment surgery would be = a form of child abuse
Reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military.
Considers reinstating the draft
Implies calling for a national abortion ban, undoing federal approval for the abortion drug mifepristone, criminalizing those who provide abortion care
Stop efforts to lower prescription drug prices
Limit access to food assistance, which an average of more than 40 million people in 21.6 million households rely on monthly
Elimate the Department of Education
Eliminate NOAH, weather information
Eliminate the Head Start early education program, which serves over 1 million children annually
Cut American Rescue Plan (ARP) programs that have created or saved 220,000 jobs
Restrict access to medication abortion
Push more of the 33 million people enrolled in Medicare towards Medicare Advantage and other worse, private options
Expose the 368,000 children in foster care to risk of increased discrimination
Deny students in 25 states and Washington, D.C. access to student loans because their state provides in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants
Roll back civil rights protections across multiple fronts, including cutting diversity, equity, and inclusion-related (DEI) programs and LGBTQ+ rights in health care, education, and workplace
Taxing Social Security which would unduly affect those who do not earn enough to be taxed on it.
The tax brackets would be 15% and 30% resulting in an increase of taxes for middle americans, an increase of $2895 for middle americans, and a tax cut for those reporting over $10 million would receive a tax cut of 1.5 million. 2025 seeks to emliminate "most tax credits" so does that mean tax credits for 36 million families with children under 17 living with them? Clean energy tax credits?
Reduce corporate tax rate to 18% down from 21%. It was at 35% before the Trump tax cuts
Cap benefits for workers at $12,000 per worker which would disincentivize employers from providing better benefits. Kaiser HMO reports that the average family health plan costs $17000, which means this would hurt working families. In addition, Project 2025 would increase the amount healthcare costs to companies.
Project 2025 would audit their enemies, politicians who have beat them, journalists who have outed their illegal activities, prosecutors who have helped bring them to justice, and anyone who has ever crossed Donald Trump using our tax dollars to do it.
Revoke the tax exempt status of the NAACP, ACLU, Legal Defense Fund.
Consumption Tax which would affect all but the wealthy.
Remove price controls on drug manafacturers which would destroy the governmen's ability to negotiate drug prices.
Introduce consumption tax and potentially a national tax which disproportionately effects middle class and those less than middle class
Treasury should make legislation requiring a 3/5 in house and senate to raise income or coporate tax rate (basically fixing these tax rates for good).
The DOJ will be part of the arm of the Trump Administration working for Trump.
Trump has said he wants Mass Deportations of 15-20 Million Undocumented workers
Project 2025 calls for a ‘pro-life politically appointed Senior Coordinator of the Office of Women, Children, and Families. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s abortion surveillance and maternal mortality reporting systems are inadequate and proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the CDC how many abortions take place in their states. Previously, Trump has said that the states can decide whether to prosecute women for abortions.
The GOP seeks to alter the history of Black Americans in this country.
10. PRESIDENTIAL POWERS: Project 2025 intent is to expand Presidential Powers which is a danger to our balance of government. Donald Trump wants to weaponise the DOJ and FBI to go after his enemies. Trump thinks these agencies belong to him if he is president and should be under his command.
12. CHRISTIANS YOU ONLY NEED TO VOTE ONE MORE TIME. Implying this would be our last election. He tried to walk that statement back in an interview with Dr. Phil.
15. SEEKS TO GIVE TAX REFUNDS TO THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS Donald Trump seeks to extend the tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans and Corporations
16. INCREASED NATIONAL DEBT by $7 trillion during Trump's presidency, two trillion for the wealthiest Americans and Corporations.
17. TRUMP WANTED TO REMOVE THE US FROM PARIS ACCORDS ON CLIMATE CHANGE. Project 2025 would disband climate research and dismantle the National Weather Service.
19. GOP has promoted all levels of voter suppression projects across the nation along with challenges to voter's registration. In 2016 and earlier, voters were being purged from the voter rolls. During the 2016 election, Voter Registration Challenges done by Crosscheck--what Greg Palast uncovered during the Clinton-Trump era when Trump won in narrow margins in states Clinton should have won. Now in 2024, these purges are being done by True the Vote and other similar groups nationwide.
Crosscheck Voter Purge in action in 2016 (from Greg Palast's website):
Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107
Michigan Crosscheck purge list: 449,922
Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257
Arizona Crosscheck purge list: 270,824
Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: 589,393
20. Trump seeks to cut severe cuts to Social Security and Medicare and gut or replace the Affordable Care Act when they have no other plan.
21. REPUBLICAN LEADERS AND GENERALS ARE DEFECTING TO PROTECT OUR COUNTRY: While many of his staff are also indicted, many generals and former staff have set off their own warnings to us about Trump. Republicans for Harris in so many versions to protect our democracy.
From 2020 which still apply. Please see Voter Guide 2020, Voter Guide 2016 on Donald Trump. All of these reasons not to vote for Donald Trump are still relevant.
22. DISDAIN OF WOMEN, HISPANICS, BLACKS, MUSLIMS, GOLD STAR VETERANS, JOHN MCCAIN. Trump believes that being politically correct (PC) is an act. He doesn't comprehend that it is not about being PC, but actually internalizing these values toward a more global respect for people. His disdain of Hispanics as rapists and drug dealers, people in wheelchairs and women---stating that a woman would look on her knees on national television---that the Kahn family attacked him when they expressed with clarity their views, his farce in reaching out to Black people while refusing to disavow David Duke, calling John McCain a loser for being captured... the list goes on and on of insulting behavior toward people of all kinds and races. It's not about being politically correct, it's about living from a place where a potential president already values people of all backgrounds.
23. DISDAIN FOR AMERICAN WORKER: MANUFACTURING OVERSEAS, HIRING FOREIGN WORKERS, NOT PAYING AMERICAN WORKERS He recently started copying parts of Hillary's speech which she gave at the DNC when she stated she was going to bring jobs back to the US. He talks about bringing jobs to the US and in the mean time Trump's own manufacturing is abroad---not in the US, hiring foreign workers and buying and manufacturing goods abroad. A number of architects and construction businesses in NJ were bilked (unpaid) and lost thousands, some almost losing their businesses from doing work with Trump.Trump University is another scam on the American public. During Trump's term in office he placed anti-union staff in the National Labor Relations Board.
24. DISDAIN FOR THE MILITARY: Stating that our military is in shambles. Disrespect for the Khan family as a Gold Star Family. This was a powerful moment in history, when the military families began backing up the Khan family. People who get injured are losers. He recently in August 2024 used the Arlington Cemetary, which is considered a sacred space, for a campaign ad against Arlington rules. Trump has misused the White House lawn for purposes around Election Day, despite criticism over the venue's use as a political prop in 2020.
25. UNPATRIOTIC, TREASON-LIKE ACTS. Suggesting that the Russian government hack Hillary's servers. Intimating a veiled suggestion to NRA members that they could take care of Hillary. To even suggest that another candidate be taken care of, it's illegal to threaten a presidential candidate. To suggest foreign governments attack US governmental agencies is unpresidential and it could be considered treason.
26. WAR, NUCLEAR ARSENAL IN TRUMPS HANDS? Some generals in our government have already stated they will stand down his orders. Many have even wondered how safe it is to give Trump information in Security Briefings. We are uncertain of the ties, Donald Trump has with Russia and whether these ties might be revealed if Donald Trump were to release his tax returns as the conservative journalist George Will has suggested. Ties with Russia other other investors from heads of states would be a conflict of interest for a sitting President of the United States.
27. GLOBAL WARMING: The Republican Party does not believe in Global Warming. They do not believe in Climate Change. They want to remove the words Climate Change from our policies.
28. TRUMPS SPEECH IS ABUSIVE. Trump employs bullying, projections accusing others of what he is doing, trivializing, threatening, name-calling and other types of demeaning speech frequently in his communication with others ---heretofore hardly witnessed on the political stage for a presidential candidate. This is highly suggestive of a lack of maturity, not to mention personality issues.
29. GOP AND TRUMP ARE AGAINST WOMEN'S SELF SOVEREIGNTY: Trump is against women's right to choose. He used to be pro choice and now he is prolife. He has no respect for women's rights.
30. ACCESS HOLLYWOOD. Tape of more Trump attitudes about women from Access Hollywood about him sexually assaulting women and grabbing their pussy are available on line. These comments and attitudes are not only unprofessional and disrepectful to women, but resulted in a national outcry.
31. The second to last time the Republicans took office during the last Bush Administration, they wiped out the treasury spending trillions of dollars on war on their cronies businesses such as Haliburton. This money was spent on a war which was founded on a false premise of weapons of mass destruction and on work in Iraq much of which was reported to not have been completed. That Republican administration left the country dangling with a banking catastrophe and wiping out all the Clinton Presidency's surpluses of the national treasury. Some day that Repubican adminstration will be seen for what it was: as pulling off one of the greatest heists in world history, leaving this country in an extreme crisis when Obama took office.
Vice President Kamala Harris
1. RESPECT FOR PEOPLE OF ALL BACKGROUNDS. The Biden Administration was the most diverse cabinet in history.
2. COMMITMENT TO WOMEN'S RIGHTS: President Harris will restore abortion rights across the country. We need the House and Senate to do this. As candidate VP Tim Walz put it, "Mind your own dam business".
3 COMMITMENT TO CREATING JOBS IN THE US, COMMITMENT TO THE MIDDLE CLASS. The Biden administration has created 15.7 Million Jobs as of July 2024. The United States has the strongest economy in the world.
4. COMMITMENT TO LOWERING COSTS 25,000 for first time home buyers, 3 million new homes, stopping price gouging, fighting rent increases, lowering taxes for most americans. protect the Affordable Care Act.
5. COMMITMENT TO WORKING ON CLIMATE CHANGE & ECOPOLICY: Democrats believe with scientists in climate change.
7. SUPREME COURT JUSTICES: VP Harris as President would have the power to make important decisions such as Supreme Court Justices and some 2000 other appointments.
8. RESPECTFUL SPEECH: Important for international relations and peace-keeping.
9. COMMITMENT TO GUN SAFETY. Biden Admin passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. The GOP refuses to advance more gun safety laws.
10. Violent Crime is the lowest in 50 years.
11. Border Crossings at 50%.
12. Biden Administration successes: Added 15.8 million new jobs, 800,000 new manufacturing jobs. Most progressive climate change bill, 500,000 charging stations, infrastructurer bill benefiting more jobs in red states than blue, raised teachers' wages, PAC act for Veterans' medical care, Biden and democrats have pressed for a ceasefire and return of the hostages in Israel. The United States has the strongest economy in the world. President Joe Biden: There's more to do.
13. MATURITY AS A PERSON. She is an adult. She has empathy. She smiles, laughs and brings joy as does the nominee for Vice President Tim Walz. © 2024. Permission granted to share & circulate everywhere with credit.
The US Face to Face Voter Project was founded around May 2003 for the 2004 Election. A group of dedicated citizens worked around the clock with only the wish to protect our country by supporting them with the facts and protect other countries in the world from our failed diplomacy. Our data is still here listing the facts of what the results of the incumbent 2000 administration was doing to our country under their leadership.The original idea was for citizens to educate citizens. Since US policies affect the world and the lives and deaths of so many, there may not be a more urgent matter than citizens to be informed nationwide to counter the "spin", register voters, and support them all the way to the polls.
This 2016 election year we are providing this concise summary of the deep concerns to us as citizens in these tickets.
This does not however mean that we do not have concerns about our government in general, about drones, surveillance without oversight, about Guantanamo and about our methods regarding terrorism, when we our perhaps creating much terrorism ourselves world-wide.